August 31, 2010


what is it like when you are in a long distance relationship? Justin Long and Drew Barrymore shows it all but defeating all odds in Going the Distance from New Line Cinema.

the situations they're in is not different for a number of people. they have to experience the pain of being away from your love one to pursue a dream, a career or even to find one's self. it is each other's role to make the relationship work. in the movie, Garett (Justin Long) does the chasing to Erin (Drew Barrymore) who is pursuing her dreams through a career. but a whole country separates them from coast to coast, from New York to San Francisco.

for the short time that they knew each other, they made it sure that they treasure every moment. love really makes people go wild. but to see Justin Long and Drew Barrymore, with that chemistry, it almost seem real knowing that they've been together.

but Garett had given up the chasing when he knew that Erin will focus on her career. that would be a long-term separation from each other. up to the point that he went to look for another and Erin will just stop to cry. until they find themselves that they are still in love with each other and they decided to move in together. the usual story.

here are the tips that romanticists might want to use when they are experiencing the same thing:

1. always surprise your partner.
2. lots of "conversations" over the phone.
3. take risks
4. if you are so excited to see your partner, GET A ROOM PLEASE!
5. always see to it that no one is around when you do the hanky panky.

if not for the other casts, the movie would be just on romance and drama. but the element helped to add a little light. dating couples can see this to accept any circumstance that might go their way in case they will go through long distance relationships

GOING THE DISTANCE opens on Sept. 2 across the Philippines from New Line Cinema, distributed by Warner Bros.

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