March 8, 2012

for EARTH HOUR 2012

March 31st marks the day for Earth Hour 2012. and i have committed to start promoting the cause through my blog.

i have made this animated image as widget posted in all of the pages of this blog. using simple Photoshop and ImageReady skills, i wish that visitors will be able to notice it. i have given the authority to everyone who wants to share this image in their sites. you can copy the code below:

and then post it in your layout. it's my part of sending the information out to the public to be able to start conserving energy and other natural resources and that will also slow down global warming.

we also reach out to everyone to contribute in activities that will restore the environment of its resources.

Earth Hour will happen on March 31 2012 at 8:30PM to 9:30PM. i hope that this will be a regular activity and that everyone supports it. you can check your communities on how they will hold Earth Hour or you can also visit to see what's happening on the other parts of the globe.

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